Shaindy Krausz, MMC

Learning, teaching, mentoring and growing in understanding of Hashem’s wondrous ways is what fuels Shaindy Krausz in her quest for revealing Hashem’s Light in this world.

As a Recovery and Mental Wellness Consultant, with Hashem’s help, Shaindy has been inspiring women and teens in her New York community and beyond for over seventeen years by empowering them to actualize their true potential. Whether in group format or individually, she has been encouraging people to look within for the truth about where their experience of life comes from and to benefit from the implications of this awareness.

Since being certified as an IHEART Facilitator, she has been educating our youth, their parents and educators about their innate mental well-being and natural resilience. She believes that everyone deserves to have access to this life-transforming information and she strives to bring this vision into reality.

As a Core Mentor, Shaindy’s experience in bringing women to a better relationship with themselves, with others and with Hashem, has grown and deepened. She feels privileged to be a part of Core.